Thursday 17 May 2012

Points to remember in Banking sector

  • LLP: Limited Liability Partnership
    Organizations maintains the Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) -NABARD

    TRIPS – ‘Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights’
    TRIMS – ‘Trade Related Investment Measures’
    are associated with ---Dunkel Proposal

    Many a times we read a term in financial news papers ‘SEPA’. What is the full form of the term
    Single Euro Payments Area

     Marginal Propensity to Consume (MPC) means – When income rises consumption Remains constant

    National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation is known as—

    NABARD(development bank) recently launched “Farmers Information Service via SMS” to help farmers in Gujarat state

    ESMA: Essential Services Maintenance Act

    Trade control in India : DGFT(Directorate general of Foreign Trade)

    ANBC: Adjusted Net Bank credit
    Adjusted Net Bank Credit is Net Bank Credit added to investments made by banks in non-SLR bonds (in held-to-maturity (HTM)) or it is the credit equivalent of off-balance-sheet exposures, whichever is higher.

    Green Tax on vehicles: The Maharashtra government  decided to levy environment tax on commercial vehicles which are over eight years old and private vehicles which are over 15 years

    Branchless Banking:
    Banks will not have many branches as used to be in the good old days. Instead, the number of branches will be restricted and will conduct only a specified core business.
     Banks will launch/operate many delivery channels like ATMs, Mobile Banking/ Internet Banking etc sot that people are not required to visit a branch for their usual banking needs.
    This means banks will issue only debit or credit cards for all types of day-to-day financial
    transactions. Cheques/cash payments will not be allowed.

    Rural Woman can avail the benefit of Mahila Samriddhi Yojana if they open their account in
    Rural Post offices.

    DTC stands for Direct Tax Code

    ULIP:  Unit Linked Insurance Plan

    CFRA: Combined Finance and  Revenue Accounts

    CGRA: Curreny and Gold revalution Account

    Fully owned by RBI:
    Fully owned: National Housing Bank(NHB),
    Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation of India(DICGC),
    Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran Private Limited(BRBNMPL

    Minimum Support Price recommended by  Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP)

    NDS: Negotiated Dealing System  is an electronic platform for facilitating dealing in Government Securities and Money Market Instruments.

    Two products from SIDBI
    Assistance for MSME
    1. GEMS: Growth capital and Equity Assistance for MSMES.
    2. FACE: Flexible Assistance for capital expenditure

    Electronic payment products viz.
    Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS),
    National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT),
    National Electronic Clearing Service (NECS) and
    Electronic Clearing Service (ECS)

    CGTMSE: Credit guarantee and Fund Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises
    Setup by GOI+SIDBI

    IBPC: Inter bank Participation Certificate

    FIRC: Foreign Inward Remmitance Certificate

    CLSS; Credit linked Capital Subsidy scheme

    SEPA: Single Euro Payment Area

    ESMA: Essential Service Maintenance Act

    CBLO:  Collateralized Borrowing and lending obligation(Money Market instrument)

    Different Types of Money Market Instrument:
    Repurchase Agreements
    Commercial papers,
    Certificate of Deposit used by banks.

    IRS-Interest rate swap
    FRA- Forward Rate Agreement
    both used by CCIL(clearing cooperation of India Limited)

    When a loan granted for purchase of white goods called consumer durable loan

    Objective of NFSM(National Food Security Mission) To increase the production of wheat, rice and pulses on a substainable basics

    FNC-financial Holding company headed by Shyimaal Gopinath

    NSDP: National summary dat apage

    SDDS: special Data dissemination standard developed by IMF.

    FINO:Financial information and Network operations

    RBIs First suboffice in north eastern state -Tripura

    Guarentee to exporters-ECGC-Export Credit Corporation of India

    Credit History of Borrowers by CIBIL (credit Information Burea india Limited)

    BIFR: Board for Financial and Economic Reconstruction

    ESCAP: Economic and Social commision for Asia and Pacific

    EPS: Earning Per share-shows what a company had earned for each of its shares

    IRAC: Income Recognination and Asset Classification

    DIPB: Duty free Entitled passbook

    DIPP - Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (MINISTRY OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY)

    FIPB(body/agency set up by Govt. of India to increase the flow of foreign investment in the country).  Foreign Investment Promotion Board

    FEMA: Foreign Exchange Management Act.

    NSDL:  National Securities Depository Limited

    FIMMDA: Fixed income Money Market and Derivatives Association

    FIEO: Federation of Indian Export Organisations
    FIEO President- Ramu S Deora

    The Market in which  long term securities sold as stocks and bonds are bought  and sold is called Capital Market

    CAMEL: Capital Adequecy, Assset quality, Management quality, Earnings quality, Liquidity

    CORE: Centralised Online Realtime Electronic

    CRISIL: Credit Rating Information Services of India ltd

    ICRA: Investment Information and Credit Rating Agency of INdia

    FRBM: Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management

    FSLRC: Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Commision (Headed by Finance Minister)

    RDBFI: Recovery of Debts due to Banks and Financial Inclusion

    PFRDA: Pension fund Regulatory Developent Authority

    SARAFASI: Securitazation and Reconstruction financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest

    CSR: Corporate Social Responsibility
    To ensure companies takes  steps for rehabilitation of project affected people

    DSCR:Debt Service Coverage Ratio

    FSDC- Financial Stability and Development Council

    STRIPS: Seperate Trading for Registered interest and Payment systems

    SWIFT: society for World wide InternetFinancial telecommunication Code

    ICAAP: Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (done by bank itself)

    STCI: Securities Trading Coorporation of INDIA( RBI promotes STCI to PSBs)

    SREP: Supervisory Review and Evaluation(process done by RBI)

    CAFRAL: Center for Advanced Finance Reasearch and Learning

    NOHC: Non Operative Holding Company

    ASHA: Accredited Social Health Activist

    COPRA: consumer Protection ACt

    TRIFIED: Tribal cooperative Marketing Development federation of India Limited

    COMESA: Common Market for Eastren and Southern Africa.

    TERC: Trade and Economic Relations Committee( headed by Prime Minister)

    BIFR: BUreau of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction

    FLCC: Financial Literacy and Credit Counselling

    CENVAT-Cantral Value ADDED TAX,  excise duty/service tax is paid only when goods are consumed. Till then, burden of duty gets passed on to the next buyer/customer

    CAPART: Council for Advancement of People's action and Rural Technology

    SABLA: A woman welfare programme launched by the Central govt

    Tarapore Committee submitted its report on “Full Convertibility on Rupee” in Capital account

    committee recommended abolition of tax rebates -Kelkar Committee 

    The Reserve Bank has constituted a working group to review the current operating procedure of monetary policy, as transmission of the policy to the rest of the system remains imperfect. The group, to be headed by RBI executive director Deepak Mohanthy , will also review the liquidity adjustment facility (LAF), through which the central bank manages money supply in the system on a day-to-day basis

    Deepak  Mahanty committee- related to Base rate

    Usha Thorat committee committee sugested 75000 villages will have banking services by the year end 2012

    RBI Governor heads the Sub-committie of FSDC(Financial stability development Concil)

    Y.H Malegam committee-MFI Sector

    Pranab sen committe -related to Slum

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